May 6th online Zoom Event – “The SECURE and CARES Act Explained”
Since the passage of the SECURE and CARES Acts, Charitable Planning has received special attention because of unique opportunities available nowhere else. Whether charitable planning is your specialty or not, you'll be glad you participated in this online session. You will learn: HOW the SECURE Act affects Qualified Charitable Distributions and Retirement Accounts HOW the CARES Act…
The Secret Sauce of Successful Non-Profit/Advisor Working Relationships
Tracy Country Club 10752 US-14, Tracy, MN, United StatesPresented by: Bruce Kinsella, Leave A Legacy, Mankato MN Lunch Provided. Find More Events
Non-Cash Gifting
Virtual Zoom EventIf you are affiliated with a nonprofit, an individual looking to give creatively to your favorite nonprofits, or a professional interested in hearing real examples of successful gifting in SW Minnesota, please join our Leave A Legacy SW MN final educational program for 2020 on Wednesday, November 18th from Noon – 1:00 p.m. via Zoom. Liz…
March 3, 2021: Why Donor Advised Funds are becoming “The Future of Strategic Giving”
Virtual Zoom EventPlease join in this interactive Zoom session on Wednesday, March 3rd from Noon - 1:00 p.m. Learn WHY Donor Advised Funds are so Popular, HOW they Work, How to work them to your Advantage and GET RESOURCES to help in your work with them. Dana Holt, CEO & Philanthropic Strategist of HOLT Consulting, will lead this…
June 9, 2021 ‘Economic Update and How it Affects Philanthropy’
Virtual Zoom EventPlease join us for our quarterly educational event via Zoom on June 9th from Noon until 1 pm. The topic of discussion will be: 'Economic Update and How it Affects Philanthropy' Melissa White, from Eide Baillly, LLP will be our guest speaker. Melissa White is Senior Tax Manager located in the Aberdeen, South Dakota office…
June 8, 2022 “Tips and Traps: Tax Strategies for Donors and Charities”, presented by regionally and nationally acclaimed tax specialist, Andy Biebl
Springfield Community Center 33 S Cass Ave, Springfield, MN, United StatesPlease join in this special session on Tips and Traps: Tax Strategies for Donors and Charities, presented by regionally and nationally acclaimed tax specialist, Andy Biebl, on Wednesday, June 8th from…
Secure Act 2.0 – Impact on Charitable Gifting
Virtual Zoom EventPlease join us in learning about Secure Act 2.0 – the nuts and bolts of how recent changes impact the way we think about future charitable gifts. The session will…
The Threes of Charitable Estate Planning
CentraCare Redwood Falls, MN 101 Caring Wy, Redwood Falls, MN, United States“The Threes of Charitable Estate Planning” being presented in-person by Tim Steinbach, Senior Development Officer for CentraCare Foundation, on Wednesday, June 14th from 11:00 a.m. to Noon (please note earlier…
Farm Machinery – Transitioning to the Next Generation
Redwood Area Community Center 901 E Cook St, Redwood Falls, MN, United StatesPlease consider joining us at our educational event on November 14th at the Redwood Area Community Center beginning at 5:15 p.m. Topic of discussion: Farm Machinery - Transitioning to the…