640 Foundation

Contact Information
1333 May Street, Wabasso, MN 56293
Detailed Information

Our Mission:

The mission of the 640 Foundation is to support ISD 640 in its pursuit to “Empower learners to achieve their dreams” by connecting donor dollars to dream making opportunities.


 Our History:

The 640 Foundation was established in 2008 as a foundation that provides college scholarships for Wabasso High School graduates.  In 2013 the foundation expanded to provide scholarships for preschool and created the “Programs of Distinction” grant.  This grant is made available to ISD 640 teachers who are seeking funds to begin new and innovative initiatives that expand learning opportunities for students.  Since 2008 the 640 Foundation has awarded in excess of $80,000 in college scholarships and thousands of dollars in preschool grants and funds for starting up new educational initiatives at Wabasso Public Schools.  The foundation exists to partner with Wabasso Public Schools in its quest to “empower learners to achieve their dreams.”